Voicings are used to play chords without using all of the notes of a chord.   They also provide a means to play 7 note chords such as 13ths when you only have 6 strings or to provide a more open sound for other chords such as 9ths and 11ths.

All of these patterns are moveable allowing you to reuse them as you move up and down the neck.

You will need to know the names of the notes on the Fretboard for the 6th, 5th & 4th strings and how to spell chord notes to use inversions efficiently.

See our section on the FRETBOARD to learn the note names or for LEFT-HANDED FRETBOARD.

Right Handed
Left Handed
Voicings on the 6th, 5th & 4th string.
Ma9, m9 & 9th
Voicings on the 6th, 5th & 4th string.
Ma9, m9 & 9th - Left
Right Handed
Left Handed
Voicings on the 6th, 5th & 4th string.
Ma11, m11 & 11th
Voicings on the 6th, 5th & 4th string.
Ma11, m11 & 11th - Left
Right Handed
Left Handed
Voicings on the 6th, 5th & 4th string.
Ma13, m13 & 13th
Voicings on the 6th, 5th & 4th string.
Ma13, m13 & 13th - Left
For your convenience we have included the lessons on Chord Inversions since it is common to use a mix of Chord Voicings and Inversions together.

Inversions change the order of the notes of a chord by playing a different note as the lowest note of the chord. The chord symbols are written using a slash (/) such as C/E which means to play a C major chord with the E note as the lowest note in the chord. These chord symbols are common to other instruments such as keyboards.

Right Handed
Left Handed
  Major   Major - Left
  Minor   Minor - Left
  Ma6   Ma6 - Left
  m6   m6 - Left
  Ma7   Ma7 - Left
  m7   m7 - Left
  m7b5   m7b5 - Left
  dim7   dim7 - Left
  7th   7th - Left
  7sus4   7sus4 - Left

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